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Swan Lake

As part of the cultural capital enrichment to the curriculum, the whole of Year 9 were taken to see Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake at Sadler’s Wells over three Thursday afternoons in January. The trips were a great success and the student reviews say it all: 

“The dancers were exquisite and I really enjoyed watching with my friends and understanding the story with them. Amazing. Thank you for taking us!”


“The performers were amazing. It was the best trip ever!”


“The Swan Lake trip was very nice; a beautiful show that I found inspirational. The way the story was told without words made us see the artwork of ballet. It was a lovely time and I wish we could see more. I loved experiencing with friends and people around us that taught us about ballet. Thank you!"


"It was amazing to see ballet dancers with incredible technique perform what they love. It was inspiring. Thank you!"

“Very entertaining and inspiring. I’m super happy I got to experience it. The costumes were amazing - and, of course, the dancing!"