Home School Liaison
Our School, in partnership with parents and community aims:
- for the highest standards of teaching, learning and achievement
- to develop potential and to educate for life
- to treat everyone with respect and understanding
As a school, we will do our best to:
- provide a safe and caring environment
- provide a broad and balanced curriculum matched to the needs of your daughter
- set, mark and monitor homework in keeping with the school’s policy
- monitor your daughter’s attendance and punctuality and inform you of any concerns
- provide you with information about your daughter’s progress
- contact you when we are concerned about your daughter’s welfare, behaviour or standard of work
As a parent, I will do my best to:
- ensure my daughter attends school regularly and punctually and inform the school immediately of reasons for absence. I acknowledge that permission will not be given to take holidays in term time
- support the rules of the school, including the Code of Behaviour and uniform requirements
- attend all parent’s evenings and visit the school if requested
- support my daughter’s learning at home and ensure she completes homework
- inform the school of any change of contact details
- be responsible for the conduct of my daughter’s travelling to and from school
As a student, I will:
- follow the school’s rules and Code of Behaviour
- wear the correct uniform to and from school and bring all the equipment I need every day
- arrive on time and attend regularly
- work to the best of my ability in school and at home
- record and complete homework on time
Please note:
Mobile phones
It is acknowledged by the Department for Education, that allowing mobile phones in schools risks unnecessary distraction and disruption for students.
The use of mobile phones on the way to or from school, or during the school day, can also cause preventable health and safety and safeguarding risks for students.
Year 7, 8 and 9
For this reason, the school does not allow students in Year 7, Year 8 or Year 9 to bring a mobile phone to school. If a student in these years is known or suspected to have a mobile phone, they will be given a behaviour choice detention, the phone will be confiscated and only returned to a parent or carer after 3.15pm on the next school day.
Year 10 and 11
The school recognises that students in Year 10 and Year 11 may have additional responsibilities that require their parents to contact them at the end of the school
Students in Year 10 and Year 11 may therefore bring a mobile phone to school if their parent or carer wishes them to do so but the school reserves the right to withdraw this privilege.
If this is the case, the mobile phone must not be seen, heard or used in school or the vicinity of the school. Mobile phones that are seen, heard or used in school or the vicinity of the school will be confiscated and only returned to a parent or carer after 3.15pm on the next school day and the student concerned will be given a behaviour choice detention.
The vicinity of the school is defined as:
* Highbury Fields
* Highbury Hill
* The shopping area and bus stops on Highbury Barn
Should any student refuse to hand in their mobile phone on request, then they will be internally suspended until they do so.