Wider Curriculum Clubs Information

Highbury Fields School provides an extensive list of after school clubs and classes including many opportunities for students to take part in sports and fitness activities to suit their tastes. The school has an excellent track record in competitive sports.  Many students are involved in music, dance and drama activities and performances through the school year.

Homework Club runs after school from Monday to Friday and is supported by teaching assistants, computers and resources. Homework Club is particularly popular with year 7 students. 

Highbury Fields School is an inclusive environment where everyone has the opportunity to experience exciting learning outside of the classroom. Each year students visit museums, art galleries or other places of interest to support the curriculum or simply to broaden their horizons. There are biology and geography field trips.  

The Duke of Edinburgh award runs from year 9 to year 13 and involves students undertaking volunteering within the community, learning new skills and experiencing new challenges including camping.  The Duke of Edinburgh provision is very popular with students and staff.

You can view more information about our clubs and view our Summer timetable by clicking on the following links:

Updated 2025 Summer Term Club Timetable

New Club Software - SchoolsBuddy

The school is using a new software called SchoolsBuddy. Parents should receive an activation e-mail so that they can set up an account and then select clubs for their children who attend the school. Please click on this link for a short guide on how to use SchoolsBuddy: Help Guide for Parent - SchoolsBuddy