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Year 12 Shadwell Basin Trip

Last Friday, Year 12 went on an outdoor activity trip to Shadwell Basin to learn new skills and forge a bond with one another.

Karima, Elena and Amina report on what happened:

On October 11 the Year 12's went on an adventurous trip to Shadwell Basin. We had two options of activities; either canoeing or climbing. We both decided to choose canoeing. We started off with learning the skills needed to row our canoe including moving the oar, turning the canoes and using our teamwork skills to control the movement of our canoe from the back and front. Working together we managed to canoe across the dock!

At the end of the session, all the year 12's made the decision to spontaneously dive into the river Thames FULLY CLOTHED!! You can imagine how thrilling it was (we even smelt amazing after the dive). Karima and Elena

Shadwell basin was an eye-opening opportunity for me. It made me realise I was capable of things that I never thought possible, which in my case was climbing a 6-foot pole sideways whilst holding onto the instructor's hand and immediately demanding to be lowered to the firm ground (four feet below). Nevertheless, it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience as it allowed us to break away from the timetable structure of lessons and challenge ourselves to do something new. Amina
