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2024 GCSE Results

Highbury Fields students achieve great GCSE results!

Hot on the heels of our A-level celebrations last week, Year 11 students at Highbury Fields School are today celebrating their fantastic GCSE results.

87% of students attained the pass grade of a 4 or above in English, with 77% of students achieving these grades in mathematics.  These results are significantly above the published national average for girls and reflect the incredible commitment to learning of Year 11, who had their start to secondary school significantly disrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Incredibly, 27 students attained at least five or more grade 7s or above, with four students attaining all grades 8 and 9 and one student achieving a clean sweep of grade 9s.

The school is incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication of all of our Year 11 students, whatever their results and wish them the very best in their sixth form and college studies.

Photo for press release